Monday, February 27, 2012

American Coot, #30/50

I am constantly surprising myself with this project, and not always in a good way LOL. On almost every outing,  & every day trip I take in nature with my camera, there are Coots.  Coots are everywhere! I am trying to keep order or a system with my identification project, so, only naturally, in the Rallidae family, the American Coot would be next in line for a BLOG post (since I haven't seen  a Rail yet, not a Clapper Rail, Black Rail, Yellow Rail, etc, no Rail for me) so I surprised myself to find that I don't have one "decent" American Coot image to post, but do have one half decent that I took @ Merritt Island when I saw hundreds flocked together doing the Macarena~


  1. Nice photo Rachelle, good luck with the project !

  2. The Macarena, that's funny! There are so many Coots at the wetlands. I was taking a few photos of them yesterday.

  3. hi Rachelle Evance,your pictures are very very very nice...congrats!!!!!!!


Thank you! Your comments are appreciated ~ rv